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Court of the Dead

Mar 14, 2015

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Thomas and Friends Blind Bag Minis

I'm a big fan of blind bag/box/whatever toys. They trigger whatever chemical in my brain that also responds to tearing open a fresh Magic booster pack. The down side to most blind packaged toys is the price. $4 or $5 (and up) just to pull the same figure I pulled twice already? Nah.

That's why I was a big collector of the Zerboz super hero micro figures. At a buck a pop, I could grab a handful and feed the need. These Thomas and Friends minis are definitely next on my collect list. My son is a huge Thomas fan and it has slowly infected me as well. And these are just $1.49 a piece and available at Walmart. With over 70 different designs like metallic colorways and superhero engines there's plenty to keep a collector hunting.

+The Highest Fever 
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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