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Court of the Dead

Mar 11, 2015

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Cold Hearted Bastard Skullhead Bust from Huck Gee

Huck Gee's latest Skullhead bust is an unpolished Cold Hearted Bastard version. Well, the bust is mostly unfinished, except for a small polished portion on the chest which shows off the Busts cold hearted blue center. The finish on this piece was created, or not finished, based on a lot of feedback from Huck's last Bust release, Not another Heartless Bastard, which featured a completely polished finished. With a small run of only 10 pieces, this frosty bust is going to be priced at $225 each plus shipping. With only 10 pieces available, those who are interested in purchasing one of these cold beauties should head on over to Huck Gee's online store on Thursday, March 12 at 12pm(noon) PDT. Each bust is going to be signed and numbered.
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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book