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Court of the Dead

Mar 13, 2015

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Tenacious Toys blog hits ONE MILLION pageviews after 5 years of blogging

Dear readers,

THANK YOU so much for reading the Tenacious Blog! I just noticed that we have passed a very important milestone: 1,000,000 pageviews! Thank you all so much for coming back and reading all the great posts our team has put together for you over the past 5 years. We hope to continue this trend for a long, long, long time. As you can see, we are now publishing more "useful" posts which offer critique, criticism, reviews, and honest and blunt assessments of various issues in this tiny art toy industry. 

I have never personally felt comfortable raising hot button issues when I write blog posts, mostly because as the Supreme Overlord of Tenacious Toys, I want to remain everyone's friend. I will continue to occasionally publish my signature EVERYTHING IS AWESOME posts which promote the various works of the artists and companies that I'd like to encourage and help.

However, we now have a roster of talented and opinionated writers who like to call out the issues as they see them. I have encouraged them to simply be honest and fair in their reporting, and let the chips fall where they may. You might have seen some of those posts popping up here in the past.

On that note: if any of you have created toys or collectibles which you would like reviewed, please feel free to contact any of our bloggers to set up a review post. I do not personally need samples of any more toys. They're everywhere in my small apartment and if I have to put one more talented artist's work back into a box and into storage, I'm going to cry. So please, contact one of our bloggers and send samples directly to them for review. Our blog posts are sent out automatically to our Twitter, Facebook and Google+ accounts, as well as wrapped into emails that are sent out to subscribers each morning. Total reach is 20,000+ people.

Which brings me to our staff: we would be more than happy to welcome in any guest bloggers who feel like they have something to say. Please email me personally if you are interested in writing for this blog. I want to make it the most useful and most community-driven art toy blog out there. My opinion alone will not make this blog great. Yours will.

- Benny Kline
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book