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Court of the Dead

Mar 11, 2015

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Amazing Resin Crystals From Skullerygram

Instagram resin caster & jewelry maker Marisa Rand @Skullerygram shares her beautiful resin pendants featuring colour-swirls, embedded ferns or moss, copper, or segments of butterfly wings. Clear resin pieces are something the Toy Community commonly hold in high regard, with muddy colour-shifts or embedded trope elements like Skulls or Glitter being a well-worn path. These pieces blew me right away.

The clarity, shape variety and vividness of the embedded elements is indistinguishable from crystal or glass. The Morpho butterfly wing segments being an especially original concept. Many of these pieces will be affixed with electroplated copper or pinned with eye hooks to be wearable as pendants, and sold through Skullerygram's Etsy 13/03/2015 at 7PM EST.

 Keep an eye on Skullerygram's Instagram for release details, currently planned for 13/3/2015 at 7PM EST here. Even if jewelry isn't your thing, they're pretty amazing. Many pieces will be $30ea, with some being $40+ea, for original sculpts, cast, and embedded art pendants on chains, they're an encouraging example of what resin casting in other fields would benefit to strive for.

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book