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Court of the Dead

Dec 23, 2014

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Custom Coarse Toys Locks by Jon-Paul Kaiser

Jon-Paul Kaiser's latest masterpiece is a Custom Coarsetoys Locks figure. Created to be both a character and a scene, this custom Locks features a serene looking monk passing through a narrow valley in the woods. On the raised arm, across the Valley, a bear is depicted, standing as he hears the monk passing through the valley, everything at peace. The face of the locks was painted in a way to provide it some character, while the scene is essentially a very intricate tattoo that exists on the Locks. A wonderful piece for Jon-Paul Kaiser to close the year on. As with all of Jon-Paul's work, photographer Justin Allfree is credited with capturing the beauty of all of Jon-Paul's custom Locks figure. Jon-Paul showed Justin all of his appreciation for Justin's help, guidance and amazing photography by gifting this Custom Locks figure to Justin. A stunning gift indeed. Jon-Paul should be gearing up for a strong 2015. What JPK has in store for the world, only time will tell.
Custom Coarsetoys Locks by Jon-Paul Kaiser, p.c. Justin Allfree
Custom Coarsetoys Locks by Jon-Paul Kaiser, p.c. Justin Allfree
Custom Coarsetoys Locks by Jon-Paul Kaiser, p.c. Justin Allfree
Custom Coarsetoys Locks by Jon-Paul Kaiser, p.c. Justin Allfree
Custom Coarsetoys Locks by Jon-Paul Kaiser, p.c. Justin Allfree
Custom Coarsetoys Locks by Jon-Paul Kaiser, p.c. Justin Allfree
Custom Coarsetoys Locks by Jon-Paul Kaiser, p.c. Justin Allfree

Custom Coarsetoys Locks by Jon-Paul Kaiser, p.c. Justin Allfree
Custom Coarsetoys Locks by Jon-Paul Kaiser, p.c. Justin Allfree

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book