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Court of the Dead

Dec 23, 2014

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Military Themed LEGO Compatible Toys by Modern Brick Warfare

Military themed LEGOs make up a small percentage of what's available in the LEGO universe. That didn't stop Modern Brick Warfare Toys from making it easier to pick up the proper accessories to outfit LEGO mini figs. Modern Brick Warfare Toys has a huge collection of available accessories and Mini Figs that are tactical and/or military themed. Everything from weapons, to armor and even night vision goggles, Modern Brick Warfare has the toys needed to create a nice little army. To make purchasing even easier, Modern Brick Warfare has even bundled up some Mini figs and accessories that go well together, like the Jungle Sniper pack which is priced at $14.50. Be sure to check out everything they have to offer.

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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BB-8 Star Wars Premium Format(TM) Figure
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book