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Court of the Dead

Dec 23, 2014

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Custom ThreeA WWRP Armstrong "Dapper Lad" by Small Angry Monster on eBay

Small Angry Monster writes:
When creating customs, the process involves quite a bit of imagination. One of the reasons that I am so compelled to work on ThreeA toy's robots is the rich back story. As attractive as it is, I can't leave well enough alone and wanted to branch out a bit into the history that isn't covered by the books and toys. 

After reading this entry on the ThreeA Wiki, I was inspired to create a 'bot that was outside of the normal body types. I assumed that there would be many unused prototypes, and this could be one of them. I wrote a bit of fiction about it below:

"As the leading competitor to Rothchild, Hobson & Dolch created many prototypes that never saw full production. "Dapper Lad" was a re-engineered 'bot built off an Armstrong frame. Utilizing the demoralizing psyops of the Square and a destructive armor-piercing RPG launcher, this 'bot was found to be unstable in it's programming. After a friendly fire incident during field testing, the "Dapper Lad" project was scrapped."

You can bid on Dapper Lad here on eBay.

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book