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Court of the Dead

Dec 3, 2014

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Custom Artmymind Storm Trooper Helmets by Jon-Paul Kaiser

Jon-Paul Kaiser is awesome at putting his own take on pretty much any platform out there, including original sculpts he creates. Jon-Paul's latest completed commission goes perfect alongside the latest Star Wars trailer for Episode VII. Now, the commission has nothing to do with the latest trailer, but the completed pieces are a pair of custom Artmymind Stormtrooper/Samurai helmets. Each helmet is unique, with both having separate details and images. At a size of 3"x3"x2", these helmets are a nice size to work on. Jon-Paul left the original sculpt in tact, wanting to create a literal decorated helmet, adding the JPK-style to the helmets. While the front shows the JPK style of clean and simple accents, the backs of the helmets reveal a bit more, where Jon-Paul created a separate scenery image on the backs of each helmet. These pieces should make the lucky collector very happy. As with all of Jon-Paul's customs and work, the wonderful photos were taken by Justin Allfree.
Custom Artmymind Stormtrooper/Samurai Helmet by Jon-Paul Kaiser, p.c. Justin Allfree
Custom Artmymind Stormtrooper/Samurai Helmet by Jon-Paul Kaiser, p.c. Justin Allfree
Custom Artmymind Stormtrooper/Samurai Helmet by Jon-Paul Kaiser, p.c. Justin Allfree
Custom Artmymind Stormtrooper/Samurai Helmet by Jon-Paul Kaiser, p.c. Justin Allfree
Custom Artmymind Stormtrooper/Samurai Helmet by Jon-Paul Kaiser, p.c. Justin Allfree
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book