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Court of the Dead

Dec 5, 2014

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NEW NERVISWR3K RAFFLE PRIZES ADDED! 5 Exclusive Jacob JAMS Burgermeisters

We are blessed, all of us, to have such a supportive toy family. Today we are adding 5 NEW Raffle Prizes to the Nerviswr3k Benefit Raffle, thanks to our youngest and possibly least jaded toy artist, Jacob JAMS! Jacob created an EXCLUSIVE of his 1.5" Burgermeister figure just for this raffle in an edition of 5 pieces.

By adding 5 more prizes, Jacob has drastically increased everyone's chances of winning! I'd still like to sell a lot more raffle tickets, so just know that there will be 20 total prizes, meaning 20 winners! You have an extremely high chance of winning.

Click here to buy a raffle ticket for $10. Exactly $10 of that will go to Nerviswr3k, plus I'll send you a 5-piece sticker pack for every raffle ticket that you buy. AND you'll be entered to win a prize in the raffle.  SHARE THIS POST!

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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BB-8 Star Wars Premium Format(TM) Figure
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book