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Court of the Dead

Sep 10, 2014

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Geek Stuff NYCC Exclusive #1 by Rich Page of Ume Toys

It's that time of year when all the New York Comic Con releases start going out and this is the first of a bunch this year for Big Kev's Geek Stuff.  Located at Booth 127 this year ( so not in The Block but around The Block) Geek Stuff will have have an assortment of exclusive toys and figures, prints, and other goodies to bring you. 

First up is Butt Plug, standing at just over 2 inches tall and limited to 10 pieces, this awesome resin design by Rich Page from Ume Toys is the latest in Rich's large catalog of original characters.  He will go on sale for $41 as soon as the con opens on Thursday an will not be limited to a certain number per day. Check out the attached photo's and be sure to swing by Booth 127 early as Rich's exclusives tend to sell out quick. 

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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book