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Court of the Dead

Mar 26, 2018

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TODAY: Exclusive Rampage Toys Releases: Primarily Primary Uglier Unicorns, Tiger Color Cyclops Dinos & Teal Blanks

Today we are thrilled to announce another round of exclusive Rampage Toys sofubi releases. This round includes Ugly & Uglier Unicorns, Ugly Onicorns & Cyclops Dinos, some with exclusive paint and some in exclusive blank soft vinyl.
Primarily Primary Uglier Unicorns are limited to 40 pieces max in this exclusive paint. These are 3.5" tall sofubi figures at $40 each.

The Tiger Color Cyclops Dino sets (BELOW) are two different three-piece sets of 3-inch-tall sofubi figures painted in an exclusive tiger stripe colorway. Set A includes Duobrontoclops, Stegoclops and Triceraclops. Set B includes Pteroclops, Protoceraclops and Plesioclops. Each 3pc set is $45 and there is a limit of 15 total sets of each.

Rampage Toys has also assigned some exclusive blanks to Tenacious Toys (BELOW): the Rampage x Konatsuya Ugly Onicorn is a 5-inch-tall blank in a lovely dark teal blue vinyl, and there is a matching blank original Ugly Unicorn in the same teal color (UU is also a 5" tall figure). Both the teal Onicorn and the teal UU are $30 each and Tenacious Toys has 20 total units of each to sell.

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book