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Court of the Dead

Sep 10, 2014

AW177 Legendary Outlaw shirt by outsmART Originals

Now you can represent the Legendary Outlaws with this new design by artist AW177 aka Allen Wen.  Roaming the universe leading a rag tag group of mercenaries as the galaxy's protectors, the Legendary Outlaw, who was wrongly accused as being a traitor, is looking for support. His iconic helmet, recreated with incredible detail, has now been captured on this new t-shirt and will be made available for a limited time. In typical Outsmart Originals fashion, we've gone that extra step and added the hero's blasters (screen printed) on the back of our high quality tees.

Time is short and this design will only be made to order and once they're gone, they're gone for good, so pre-order yours today to guarantee the size you need. The shirts will be shipping on October 3rd, just in time for the upcoming New York Comic Con! Show your support for the outlaw and reserve your tee today!

Screen printed on the front and back for men on ultra cotton t-shirts for superior durability and classic fit; and women, the design will be printed (front & back) on super soft tees.
An incredible followup to AW177's 'Year of the Snake' and 'Machine Type', this is an awesome addition to his collection of t-shirt designs!
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book