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Court of the Dead

Sep 10, 2014

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Project Bohna Skully by Blue-Frog World

New platforms are getting created and produced more often now, then ever before. With 3D printing and resin molding becoming more and more popular, it's quite simple to create a model(or have one created) and produce a low quantity of pieces to gauge interest. The latest addition to the ever increasing world of designer toy platforms comes from Blue-Frog World, it's called Bohna Skully. Blue-Frog is teaming up with Toy Chronicle and Toy Con UK to launch this latest platform. Looking quite similar to a modified MAD*L figure, Bohna Skully appears to have no articulation and has a stylized skull as the head piece. Based on some pics online, the overall piece seems to stand at about 4".
To help launch Bohna Skully, Blue-Frog is holding a contest which involves creating a design for the Bohna Skully using a provided template. Submissions for the contest need to be sent to BohnaSkully [at] blue-frog [dot] co [dot] uk. From the submitted designs, 3 designs will be chosen and put to a public vote. Blue-Frog, Toy Chronicle, and Toy Con UK will each choose a design to be voted on by the public. The winning design will be sent a Bohna Skully to customize, which will be displayed at Toy Con UK 2015. So, for all those who are keen, download the template and submit a design before October 10, 2014. No word on how many times a person can submit a design, but there is no theme or design limitations, other than having to create the design in chosen as the winner. In the meantime, check out the hashtag #BohnaSkully on social media to see what artists are coming up with.

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book