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Court of the Dead

Mar 30, 2014

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threezero x Titanfall = Epic!

Do I really need to add anything to what you can see in the pic!!!

From threezero Facebook page

Today we want to share with you something BIG!

Witness the rise of the Titans, as we will be making figures from first-person shooter multiplayer video game, called: Titanfall.

In Titanfall, players compete on a war-torn planet, playingas mech-style Titans and their pilots. We will disclose more details about figures, which we are making as we get closer to showing the prototype (which will happen really soon), however we can already say that Titan on this teaser is about 20" tall and will come with the pilot.

Yes 20 inches tall!!! its going to be huge!! without checking, think it maybe similar size to the threeA Real Steal figures released last year, if so, hope they look into the 'top heavy' aspect of the figure as the Real Steal robots are quite difficult to secure once posed.

Anyway, I'm off to have a blast on the game, will update news as soon as anything pops up on threezero!

Thanks for reading

Wai Man
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book