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Court of the Dead

May 9, 2013

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Argonauts Resin presents Adam Pratt customs

This Tuesday (May 14) at 10 p.m. Eastern Argonauts Resin will be releasing custom 8" Tuttz and mini Tuttz from artist Adam Pratt who has also been signed to be part of Argonaut Resins new creative team.

First up is the Sekhmet Rising - a 8 inch Tuttz with a cracked design that sits in a bed of clear tint orange lava colored resin.

The second 8 inch Tuttz is the Armored Golem MK.1 battlefield cat with worn metal paint work.

The other half of the release will feature a all new set of the Tuttz Begining's tomb (set #3 and set #4) with Egyptian workers that are very different from the previous two versions that were released. Each set will come with micro workers, loose scaffolding and a bag of sand so the collector can arrange the diorama the way they want.

Make sure to check the Argonauts Resin store out when they release next week.

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book