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Court of the Dead

May 7, 2013

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Battle Tails! - A Kickstarter Campaign by Huck Gee

Huck Gee is a man of many talents and he is trying to add a video game to his long list of accomplishments, that is with your help, through Kickstarter. Huck Gee has recently launched a Kickstarter project to help fund his Strategic Defense Game called "Battle Tails". A lot of time and effort has already been put towards the creation of the game. Now, with help from the community, Battle Tails can become reality.

Here is a snippet of info from the Kickstarter Page:
Building this game and this universe isn't cheap. High quality art and animation takes time and resources. Multiplayer means more fun, but also more support infrastructure, hardware, and code. More funding helps us support more artists and animators who will help bring the Battle Tails world to life.
So, please check out the details below for rewards, freebies and more ways you can be a part of Battle Tails History. Help me bring this world to life.
- Huck

With over 20% of the total goal already funded in the beginning hours of the Kickstarter Campaign, head on over, select a reward and make a pledge. With everything from a simple in game starter pack for the Battle Tails game, to a 20" Mega Battle Tails custom, there is a reward level for everyone. So, take some time to head on over to the Battle Tails Kickstarter page and if you can, make a pledge.

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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book