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Court of the Dead

Jul 9, 2017

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DKE Toys SDCC 2017 Batch #2 - Little Lazies, Jason Adams and DrilOne

Welcome to the second BATCH of DKE Toys SDCC 2017 CON STUFF!

Yoclops by Little Lazies

This is one of the most special exclusives DKE has ever had. Each piece has been hand sculpted by Leah Lester of Little Lazies. No two are exactly the same but they are so close to one another that it's kind of hard to imagine that they aren't cast and she made 50 of them!!! They are signed and numbered on the bottom of the figure and carded in a package she designed and are only $55.  

Bio: Little Lazies are weird, little, clay creatures made by Leah Lester, a monster maker living in Seattle, WA. How did it all start? Leah was a full time cake decorator who very much enjoyed sculpting out of edible paste for the cakes she created. One sunny day in June 2010 she said to herself, "I want to make a monster for the top of this cake!" So she did just that... Soon after, her friends started encouraging her to create these characters into clay; something that they could keep for a lifetime. So with that, Leah bought some clay and with lots of practice, experimenting, character developing and imagination her monsters evolved into what they are today - the Little Lazies

Job Wars by Jason Adams

Hand cast and painted 3.75" carded figure. Signed and numbered edition of 20. $55

Bio: From Fort Worth, Texas, Jason is an approved Lucasfilm artist (Topps Star Wars sketchcards), Marvel artist (Upper Deck sketchcards), and has done cover work for BOOM!- Studios (Bravest Warriors).  Influenced by early punk rock, Jason employs DIY style that uses hand cut stencils, spray paint, and markers to create unique original pieces.  When he’s not spray painting, Jason also works in the custom toy world creating hand poured resin action figures.

Instagram: art_of_jason
Twitter: @artofjason

Boss Vaderus Maximus Pin by DrilOne

DrilOne made a Vader helmet a few years ago for DesignerCon that was a Mad Max mash up. He turned that image into a pin. This is the "Soviet Era" color way with a red star on the forehead. Limited to 100 pieces. $10 each. 

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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BB-8 Star Wars Premium Format(TM) Figure
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book