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Court of the Dead

Jul 15, 2017

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DKE Toys SDCC 2017 Batch #5 - Mark Todd, Killer Bootlegs, and CNE

Welcome to the fifth BATCH of DKE Toys SDCC 2017 CON STUFF!

STR WAS: DTH VDR by Mark Todd

Last year we got more attention about Mark Todd's Chewback figure than just about anything else. Here is his follow up. Mark hand sculpted the piece, it was cast in resin and then he hand painted each one and crafted a cape and saber. The card back is signed and numbered 
and is printed on a risograph which is the same type of machine his zines are printed on. Signed and numbered edition of 30. $55

Bio: Like many kids raised in the 70's, Mark was influenced at an early age by Star Wars and comic books. Unlike many kids, he grew up just a few miles from the Vegas strip, it's neon and glitz looming over the city. He graduated with honors from Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California and currently lives and works in the Los Angeles area with his wife, artist Esther Pearl Watson, their daughter Lili and two French Bulldogs, Mr. Pickles and Gherkin.

Starkiller Coffee by Killer Bootlegs

Hand cast and painted 3.75" scale carded figure. 
Signed and numbered edition of 50

Bio: Born in the 80s, Killer Bootlegs artist Peter Goral's childhood was saturated with action figures, cartoons, and classic movies. When he was 4 years old, his father showed him a bootleg copy of The Empire Strikes Back. Little did he know that this would start Peter on the path to being at the forefront of the bootleg toy movement. Today, Peter's artwork is highly sought after by collectors and has been in galleries worldwide. He has inspired and mentored countless other resin artists to follow in his footsteps. What started as a hobby collecting toys has grown into a full-time career for Peter, letting him do what he loves best every day, play with toys.

A Real American Value Meal by CNE 

This one is from a new company on the scene, CNE or Chicken Nugget Enterprises. This is their take on what this cybernetic chicken would look like as a GI Joe style figure. Sculpted by George Gaspar of Double G Toys.

Card art work was an existing painting by Jason Edmiston that they got permission to use and the card back was designed by Carlos Espinoza of MOC Toys. Each piece is hand cast and painted 3.75" carded figure. 

Edition of 100. $65

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book