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Court of the Dead

Jul 14, 2017

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DKE Toys SDCC 2017 Batch #4 - Carlos Ramirez, Scott C., and Random Skull

Welcome to the fourth BATCH of DKE Toys SDCC 2017 CON STUFF!

Santo Vader by Carlos Ramirez

Carlos Ramirez is formerly a member of the Date Farmer collaborative. Carlos hand made a wooden figure which was cast in resin. He hand painted and decorated each one individually and carded them on a hand painted card back which is cut from plywood. Each one is unique. Signed and numbered out of 30 on the back.  Each figure is about 4 inches tall. At $100 this is one of the best deals of the show. You can't get a piece of his art for less and when the Date Farmers were still partners paintings ranged in the $5-25k range. 

Carlos has worked with many galleries including:
Ace Gallery, Los Angeles/Beverly Hills 
New Image Art Gallery, Los Angeles 
Jonathan Levine, New York 
The Luggage Store, San Francisco 
Upper Playground, San Francisco 

His work has been featured in numerous publications including:
Modern Painter 

The Great Showdowns by Scott C

The Great Showdowns are a series of paintings, art shows, and books depicting classic pop culture good guys and bad guys. This figure was sculpted by George Gaspar of Double G toys who helped bring Scott C's characters to life.
You get two hand cast and hand painted resin figures on each card featuring Scott C's signature. He also numbered them out of 50. 
$100 each 

R2-DPoo by by Random Skull Productions

Signed and numbered edition of 40
Hand cast and painted 3.75" carded figure 

Alex Hallman was born and raised in Pottstown, PA, a small city right outside of Philadelphia. He started Random Skull Productions in the summer of 2013 with two original sculpts one of which was Darth Buddha. With the help of Instagram and a few friends his resin casting and custom toy career took off. Some of his other releases include Sid the Slug and Casey the Coffin. 

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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BB-8 Star Wars Premium Format(TM) Figure
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book