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Court of the Dead

Sep 29, 2017

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DKE Toys at NYCC 2017 - Batch #2 of 3: Little Lazies, RYCA, Junk Fed, and Dollar $lice Bootlegs

Lucky Chew by Little Lazies
Individually hand sculpted 2" figure
Signed and numbered edition of 35

Each piece is hand sculpted by Leah Lester of Little Lazies.
No two are exactly the same but they are so close to one another that it's kind of hard to imagine that they aren't cast.

Bio: Little Lazies are weird, little, clay creatures made by Leah Lester, a monster maker living in Seattle, WA. How did it all start? Leah was a full time cake decorator who very much enjoyed sculpting out of edible paste for the cakes she created. One sunny day in June 2010 she said to herself, "I want to make a monster for the top of this cake!" So she did just that... Soon after, her friends started encouraging her to create these characters into clay; something that they could keep for a lifetime. So with that, Leah bought some clay and with lots of practice, experimenting, character developing and imagination her monsters evolved into what they are today - the Little Lazies! Shop link -


Recycle the Giant by RYCA 
Hand cast and painted 5" carded figure 
Signed and numbered edition of 20 

Ryan Callanan a.k.a RYCA has long since been one of the most sought after artists at artrepublic. He burst onto the scene back in 2006 with his Star Wars inspired print, Reservoir Troopers (red) that sold out at in astonishingly quick time. In May of the same year thieves broke into the gallery and stole the same piece, believing it to be a Banksy. The artist told us at the time that he was quite chuffed with the mistake. He graduated from art school in 2002 and was inspired to create his first print, Ona Islam after visiting the acclaimed London exhibition of Banksy works, 'Santa's Ghetto' in 2006. Other sources of inspiration include cult classics, the Star Wars franchise, Pop Art, and the Renaissance. uDrawing inspiration for his career as a 3D sign writer, RYCA incorporates a wide use of materials including resin and glass into his sculptural pieces. With his in-depth knowledge of materials and craftsmanship he is currently working on new projects with hip-hop song lyrics alongside numerous public commissions. RYCA made headlines when he realized his 'Acid Cup', a handcrafted replicate of the World Cup trophy, to coincide with the 2014 tournament in Brazil. Big Beat DJ and Brighton hero Fatboy Slim loved RYCA's sculpture so much he took one on tour with him as he played a host of huge gigs around the country. He has exhibited worldwide and enjoyed a number of highly successful solo shows, also collaborating with a number of well respected artists including Ben Eine, David Walker and Stik.

RYCA said that Andre never got a chance to wear his own shirt. Here the famous meme is now recycled as a figure. Reminiscent of the 90s Hasbro WWF figures.

The Stay Fresh Man by RYCA 
Hand cast and painted 6" carded figure 
Signed and numbered edition of 30 

UK Street artist RYCA had such a huge success at SDCC with Wampapi that he had to make more BIG STUFF.
Each piece is almost 1.5 pounds of resin on hand silk screened and laser cut card back. He even vacuforms his own blisters.

Stay Fre$h is a hustler from the mean streets of 80's NYC, after getting blasted by four guys in '84, he never goes anywhere without his vest.

Space Madness Mirror Universe Spocktrooper by Junk Fed 
Hand cast and painted 3.75" carded figure 
Signed and numbered edition of 20 

This is what looks to be the final installment of Junk Fed's Space Madness series. The Mirror version of our favorite Vulcan.

G.I. Blow the Crusty Clown by Dollar $lice Bootlegs
Dollar Slice is at it again and this time with a not so politically correct version of this cartoonish clown. Junkie got in trouble and now you can own it.
Hand cast and painted 3.75" carded figure. Magnet articulated.
Signed and numbered edition of 30   

Bio: John Pryor better known as Dollar $lice Bootlegs is a yeti on acid.  Hailing from Carmel Valley, CA, John Pryor improves the planet one toy at a time with a heavy leaning towards fun.  He's also a great cook.

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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book