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Court of the Dead

Sep 28, 2017

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Rampage Toys x Medicom Godzilla 23cm Figure from GODZILLA VINYL WARS EX Series

This is my favorite thing, and why I keep the shop open: working with emerging artists and helping them in whatever small way I can to establish themselves and their names, and assist them in leveling up. That's why I do micro run releases, make blog posts and send out emails and press releases about their work.

We started working with Jon Malmstedt of Rampage Toys so long ago that I don't even really know when we started. Maybe 8 years ago, before he set off for Japan. At that time, I sold his one-off customs (on other people's platforms), his small resin figures and handmade plushes.

Fast forward to today, and Jon now has an official Godzilla release through Medicom! I have scant info on this Rampage Godzilla figure, aside from the fact that this is a Medicom vinyl Godzilla figure that's 23cm (9 inches) tall. That seems to be Jon's paint work on it, and I assume he sculpted this figure for Medicom.

In response to overwhelming requests from all over the world, GODZILLA VINYL WARS EX series has began!  

You can pick this figure up for $115 here - preorders look like they close on October 31, so don't sleep!

Jon will soon be releasing all the official info on his blog here, at which point I am sure I will have to edit some of the info I just wrote.

For now, HUGE CONGRATS to Jon and his Rampage Toys brand. A true, original and wonderful organic creation. He just put his head down, made positive relationships, and cranked out work for years, and this is what happens when you stay positive and stay focused. An insipiration!

Visit the Rampage Webstore for a whole slew of other unique and colorful monsters, custom toys and sofubi figures. We also have our own page to host the Rampage Toys items that we have in stock.

- Benny Kline

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book