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Court of the Dead

Mar 4, 2016

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JUST LAUNCHED: Sweaties Unite: Rise of the Uber Nerd Documentary Film by Jon Schnepp on Kickstarter
"Sweaties Unite!: Rise of the Uber-Nerd!" is a feature length documentary that follows the global rise in popularity of Comic Book Based Films and Series, as well as the downsizing in Comic Book Publishing, in its shrinking sales year after year, as more and more comic book stores close each year. With Comic Conventions having now turned into basically Mass Culture Cons, most of the people attending these Conventions have never actually read any of the comics that the characters that they love seeing in the theaters or on the television screen are based on. What has created this rise and fall and total separation between these mediums, what can be done to help, and what is the future of both?

Back the next AWESOME doc by my man Jon Schnepp, and make sure to visit Jon at our NYCC booth in October!

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book