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Court of the Dead

Feb 29, 2016

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BrickForge - A bag of fun

I know I had said in my last update that I would be covering new BrickWarriors sets, but I'm still working on that particular update. So in lieu of that, I pulled out an order from BrickForge (the only other LEGO compatible system I like besides BrickWarriors), and decided to review it.
(Top Left) BrickForge custom shipping envelope. (Top Right) Assorted bonus bag of random sci-fi elements. (Bottom) The contents of the shipment: Bonus Polybag, Main parts order, and the "Centaur Guardian" minifigure accessory set.
I like when I company puts in extra stuff, even if it's a call to action sort of flyer that mentions a KickStarter event (that I did end up participating in, and will be reviewing on here). When you run independent businesses, these kinds of things are what keep you going, and keep consumer/collector interest like mine, piqued.

But I can cover the results of that KickStarter at a later date. Let's jump into the great variety of accessories and components that I picked out from the website...
From more accurate Ghostbuster inspired replacement parts, to unusual and unique weapons and transparent "glass" bricks, this assortment did not disappoint.
If you have the official LEGO Ghostbusters set (which I reviewed on here a while back), you can see that the proton pack and neutrona wand are very accurate to the screen representations. Hell, BrickForge even went and made a PKE meter! If they had made a nice ghost trap as well, that would have been amazing! The soft rubber goggles (worn mainly by Ray Stanz in the movie) stretch to fit over helmets and hairpieces and make for a nice touch. Aside from the bright colors, they are very superior replacements (and if you are really into customizing, hey a little paint goes a long way...).

Next down in the image above, the violin is a nice and well crafted instrument that fits well a couple of different ways on a minifig. One bizarre and fun accessory is the transparent yellow stun gun, clearly modeled after a higher end real world Taser (the x2 I believe).

The rest of the ancient history/fantasy weapons, like all the rest of the parts, are made out of very durable, highly compatible plastic, that is hard to distinguish from the type LEGO uses.There is a wonderful crisp "snap" when you put these in the claw hands of the minifigs in your collection. This isn't the crazy plastic that encumbered those bootleg minifigs I last reviewed.

Most all of the parts above could be had for just a few cents each, and they have a HUGE lot of accessories to choose from, many which LEGO would never ever release, like for instance the great minifig accessory packs based on WW2 historical aspects. 

The creators at BrickForge may not have the wild sort of design aesthetics that you'd find with BrickWarriors, but BrickForge makes solid and well made accessories. And when they decide to do custom minifig upgrade accessories like the Centaur below, they really shine.
The tampo decal detail is sharp, well designed with clean lines. The helm and battle axe have additional paint applications to them which rounds this upgrade set out quite nicely.
BrickForge has a few of these sets on their site, so I picked on based on my astrological sign (Sagittarius), and was pleasantly surprised.

The set retails for just about $6, and it's worth it. Each part is well made, the set as a whole looks great when assembled onto the top half of most any minifig you have laying around.

So if you want to add some additional spice and variety into your LEGO setups, these guys at BrickForge can give you a lot of great parts for your dollars. Take my word for it, you will be impressed.

Personally, I'm glad both they and BrickWarriors are out there. Two topnotch competitors making unique things to round out the official ones.

Until next time! -Mario, the Artisan Rogue

Stats Rating/Information
Items BrickForge Polybag sets
Made by BrickForge
Rarity Common
Classification In Production
Condition New
Worth $15
Investment $15
Further Research n/a
Trivia & Fun Facts For over a decade the souls at BrickForge have been transforming otherwise boring minifigs into legendary heroes by supplying the most exquisite & versatile of small-scale equipment & accessories. Their range of accouterments spans many themes: History, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Modern Combat; and encompasses popular gear such as helmets, body armor, bladed weaponry, firearms & even animals & scooters. Their innovative RiGGED system allows parts to couple together using a series of micro-connection points, creating colorful assemblies & expanding customizing possibilities.

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