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Court of the Dead

Nov 17, 2015

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NerdTalk Toys Announces the Launch of The Zombie Nativity


NerdTalk Toys, LLC is excited to announce the launch of The Zombie Nativity, a vinyl desktop collector set that includes zombie versions of Jesus, Mary, Joseph, the Angel and an undead Donkey, on the online crowd-funding platform Kickstarter. Perfect for Halloween, Christmas and even Easter, The Zombie Nativity is a great way to put your own spin on the holidays. The Zombie Nativity is sure to top any list of the weirdest and best Christmas gifts. The official Kickstarter launch date for The Zombie Nativity is November 14th.
NerdTalk Toys, LLC believes The Zombie Nativity is the perfect geeky holiday décor for any fan of trending zombie television shows like AMC’s The Walking Dead or CW’s iZombie. “With the undead being so popular right now, the Zombie Nativity is perfect for your home, regardless of your religious views,” suggests Ashley Gojic, CEO of NerdTalk Toys.
“The Zombie Nativity has been well-received by devout Christians and Atheists alike.” Gojic explains. “Our goal was to produce a cute and approachable Zombie Nativity that even your Grandma would love. We believe that we’ve done just that.”
The Zombie Nativity will be available for order on Kickstarter starting November 14th, and sales will continue until the eve of Zombie Jesus’s birthday, December 24th. NerdTalk Toys will produce the Zombie Nativities in Q1 of 2016 and will distribute just in time for Easter 2016, or, as they like to call it, Zombie Jesus Day.
To purchase your very own Zombie Nativity, visit their Kickstarter page at .
About NerdTalk Toys

NerdTalk Toys, LLC is a startup toy design and manufacturing firm in Phoenix, AZ. Founded by owners Ashley Gojic and Justin Contre, NerdTalk Toys aims to create geeky and collectible toys for children and adults of all ages.

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