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Court of the Dead

Nov 16, 2015

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DCON 2015: Obsessed Panda Custom Tripus

Another release from Urban Vinyl Daily features customs painted by the artist Obsessed Panda. Using Max Toy Co. Tripus vinyl figures, Obsessed Panda used Monster Kolor Paints to customize 5 of these figures to match. Using color changing, cthru, and opaque paints, Obsessed Panda created a colorful matte finished design on these 10" figures. All figures were finished off with a gloss coat to provide a nice just out of the water finish. Priced at $100 each, these customs will be available at Urban Vinyl Daily, Booth #707. For those heading out to Designer Con, don't wait on anything you want to purchase, it just might not be there when you go back.
Another release Urban Vinyl Daily will have at this year's Designer Con comes in the way of a custom Max Toy Co. release from the artist Obsessed Panda. This series of 5 custom painted 10" tall soft vinyl Tripus' were created using Moster Kolor metallics, cthru, and opaque paints with a matte finish. The pieces also feature color change flake and are topped off with a high gloss clear coat to keep just out of water look through out the figures! You will be able to find these customs at the UVD booth #707 for $100 each. Make sure to stop in and grab one for your collection before they are gone!
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book