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Court of the Dead

Nov 20, 2015

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Introducing Yuna and the Dream Big Friends Kickstarter by David Horvath, Sun Min and Bigshot Toyworks

What happens when veterans of the toy industry come together to pour their vision into a concept whose time has come? Something BIG! 

After watching their own kids play, David Horvath and Sun Min (Award Winning Designers of Uglydoll) began a discussion with Klim Kozinevich (Creative Director of Bigshot Toyworks) and wondered; what if there was more? The worlds of princesses and pixies, fashion models and super heroes are all fantastic, but something was missing. The trio set out to create a unique personality in a small plastic body, focusing on aspirational, inspirational and imaginative play. Something that would encourage kids around the world to embrace what makes them who and what they are, inside and out. With all that in mind, Yuna was born!

Yuna is the very first doll in an all new line called Dream Big Friends. She's also the first Asian American girl to be the center of a doll line! She loves science, travel, rockets, art, design, and Korean food. Her big dream is to run a company designing rockets that will one day take her to Mars. She'll be the first one to stand on the planet's surface, naturally. With your help, she’s sure to get there.

November 20th  (that's TODAY!) heralds the launch of a Kickstarter campaign for Dream Big Friends, where you can invite Yuna and her cat Kamata into your home. 

The 10" Yuna doll is fully articulated and comes dressed in sneakers, socks, a skirt, a Giant Robot t-shirt, a red jacket and a shoulder bag, packaged with her kitty Kamata as an accessory... all for just $40 + shipping. A killer price for a high quality 10" figure!

There have been many discussions about body types and unrealistic proportions and attitudes imposed through children's toys these days. David, Sun Min and Klim wanted their first doll, and all of her friends, to feel like very real characters, complete with rich backgrounds and boundless potential...  Avatars for your imagination. Made with high quality materials and built to last, our BIG Dream is that one day far from now, your kids will share Yuna with their kids. 

Yuna will be making her first appearance at DesignerCon November 21 and 22 in Pasadena, CA at the Bigshot Toyworks Booth #901. Where, conveniently, you will find Benny.

Spread the word... and Dream BIG with Us!

About David and Sun Min:
David Horvath and Sun Min are best known for creating and managing the Uglydoll plush toys and brand. David is also the creator of the Bossy Bear children's book series, as well as the daily animated program "Littlebony " on NHK in Japan. Over the past decade, David has created and produced thousands of toys, books, and consumer products which have been available everywhere from the MOMA Museum in New York City and the Louvre in Paris to your local comic book shop.

About Klim:
Klim Kozinevich is the Bigshot at Bigshot Toyworks, with nearly 20 years of experience in character-based product design for the toy and entertainment industries, with clients including Hasbro, Kidrobot, MTV, Sideshow Collectibles, Mondo, Fisher Price, CAA, Weta, and many more. From developing characters for award-winning toy lines and advertising campaigns, to overseeing the production of best-selling toys for mass market, Klim has worked and innovated in every area of the industry. At Bigshot, Klim is the creative lead and oversees all character design and development, earning the company a reputation for quality, reliability, and innovation. Bigshot's work can be seen in national print, and TV advertising campaigns, toy stores, and art galleries around the world.

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