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Court of the Dead

Jul 20, 2015

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INTRODUCING: Clectaverse - Share your collections and create communities around the things you love

Introducing our newest blog advertiser Clectaverse! Clectaverse is an awesome online tool to help organize your collections, see what everyone else is collecting and join or create communities dedicated to your favorite collectibles!


Whatever you collect from Anime to Zoids and everything in between, yes Smurfs too, then Clectaverse is for you. Upload your collections and daily haul to one beautiful and engaging location to begin your journey of discovery.


Bring together your collections online and share them across the pop culture universe. Let everyone see how you own that rocket firing Boba Fett or that you are looking for a Cosplay idea. Ask for help identifying or pricing, or simply start a battle on which Trek film is best.


The cards you upload enable you to discover vibrant communities where you can compare your collectibles, buy, sell and trade and generally feel the loving embrace of like minded collectors. If the community doesn't exist then kudos, create it and be the founder, someone else is bound to like Battlefield Earth.

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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BB-8 Star Wars Premium Format(TM) Figure
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book