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Court of the Dead

Jul 23, 2015

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FOLLOW UP: Waste from Russia - Beaяs & Pяimats

Following up on our previous blog post where we introduced you to Waste, a toymaker from lovely lakeside Petrozavodsk in western Russia, we have some follow-up info! I guess he noticed our post!

His real name is Alexandr Bud'kin aka WAS+E / 2013. As a child he was constantly drawing comics, and sculpting figures of heroes of films. He discovered designer toys in 2004 (just like me and Steph!) and that was his starting point for toymaking. Now he is working on a series of figures based on his doodle drawings: Beaяs & Pяimats. He's working in parallel on several projects:
1. working with a Russian brand of street wear
2. making figures for his friend @pashabumazhniy
3. creating some figures with a Russian hip-hop artist

More info on those projects will be sent to us soon, but for now we have these images of his drawings and the start of his toy creation process in the Beaяs & Pяimats series.
 здорово встретиться с вами , Александр

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book