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Court of the Dead

Nov 28, 2010

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Ridiculously cool stuff from Strangeco

Strangeco usually sells to retailers at the wholesale level, but occasionally they sell some rare and cool vinyl directly to collectors. 
Here are 3 notable items they're selling that I think are worth passing on to you:

The "Listen to Metal" 3-inch chase figure from King Ken Series 1, only $9.99. Buy it here.

Greg Simkins' Keel Haul Clegg 7-inch vinyl figure in a rare red colorway (300 made). 
Buy it for $14.99 here
Regular colorway Keel Haul Clegg (black) & Cap'n Rotnclaw (red), as well as greyscale Cap'n Rotnclaw, are all reduced to $14.99 as well! If you're a Simkins fan, you can pick up all four 7-inch pieces for $60, and that's a helluva deal.

Finally, above is the very special custom Brine Edition Cap'n Rotnclaw, hand-painted by Dead Presidents. Limited to only 24 pieces and priced at $74.99. Buy it here.
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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