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Court of the Dead

Nov 9, 2015

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Introducing Gemr - the New Social Community for collectors!

There’s a new social community for collectors and it’s called Gemr

What makes Gemr so unique is that it allows like-minded individuals to come together as a community to not only buy, sell and/or trade their collectibles, but also discuss and learn more about the history or value of their items. 

Gemr offers a wide range of clubs including Toys, Funko, Lego, Disney, and more. Users can join these various clubs in order to showcase their collections for others to favorite and admire.

One cool aspect of the site is that users have the ability to
"CrowdScore" items in order to give people real-time market valuations of the particular product.

In addition, Gemr has an app for iOS and Android to make it easier for people to access and upload items on the go.

Best of all, it’s free to join!

You can sign up for Gemr by clicking this link:

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book