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Court of the Dead

Sep 17, 2014

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Shiny Glow in the Dark Skullhead Bust by Huck Gee

On September 18th at 10am Pacific Time, the Shiny Glow in the Dark Skullhead bust by Huck Gee will become available. Limited to just 50 pieces and priced at $125 plus shipping, people should start complaining now about how he/she was not able to procure one due to problems checking out. As with all of Huck Gee's releases, one should expect these to sell out rather quickly. Here's a protip: Auto-fill does wonders during checkout. Second tip: get your info ready to go by attempting to checkout by purchasing another item before 10am (don't complete the transaction, just get info inputted for Auto-Fill). GOOD LUCK!

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book