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Court of the Dead

Sep 17, 2014

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Lil' Jammie of the Week by Fuller Designs

Artist Fuller, of Fuller Designs, is taking his created customs to eBay. This is actually a wonderful idea, considering his custom could go for a few bucks or $100, only time will tell. This weeks Lil' Jammie of the week is TMNT: Donatello. Complete with a purple outfit and bo staff, this Lil' Jammie sits at 2.75" and will make a perfect desktop collectible. Fuller is going to be putting up a new Lil' Jammie TMNT every week, so there is a chance to be able to collect all 4 Turtles. With the bidding of each auction starting at $0.99, everyone should check out the auction and place a bid. Also, DIY versions of Lil' Jammies can be purchased through Fuller's webstore.

Ebay Auction for TMNT Donatello
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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