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Court of the Dead

Sep 17, 2014

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Cannibal Holocaust Toyconosaurus by Toy Terror

This latest piece from Toy Terror features a custom Toyconosaurus figure based on a 1980 Italian film, "Cannibal Holocaust". The Toyconosaurus figure was chosen as the base by the person who commissioned the piece and Toy Terror did a wonderful job turning it into a nice representation of the film it's based on.
From Toy Terror:
The film tells the story of a missing documentary film crew who had gone to the Amazon to film cannibal tribes. Cannibal Holocaust achieved notoriety as its graphic violence sparked a great deal of controversy.

I wanted to capture the essence and key elements of the film using one of my favourite platforms, the T-Con, as chosen by the client.

First and foremost for the skin and skeleton, I wanted to capture the smokey, ash blue that the tribesmen are smothered in and take it up a notch. This is complimented with a tribal headdress created from unwoven thread, that's been dyed with a mixture of paint, ink and tea. Around the neck of the T-con is a trophy necklace comprising of two-dozen individually sculpted and hand-painted human skulls. For a movie like this, how can I ignore the gore and guts?! And as instructed, I went to town on tearing open the T-Con to expose the gruesome insides, flesh and bone! A true gorefest!


This wonderfully painted piece was a commission and not for sale, but Toy Terror's commission list is still open for September and October. For those who want a commission, be sure to contact Toy Terror through any of his social media outlets.

Instagram: @rich_sheehan
Twitter: @toyterror

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book