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Court of the Dead

Aug 5, 2014

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Pinhead from Hellraiser by Jon-Paul Kaiser

Jon-Paul Kaiser recently delivered a private commission to it's new owner and now everyone gets to wish they owned this wonderful piece. The collector wanted a specific character to be created, with no base in mind or even what the end result may look like. Lucky for the collector, as a child, Jon-Paul was a little obsessed with the film this character is derived from, Pinhead from Hellraiser. This got Jon-Paul really excited about the commission and creating the piece, however, Jon-Paul still did not have a working base.  After some time, Jon-Paul stumbled across the RealxHead x Ichibanboshi Ryusei Ninja figure, a Kaiju figure with a skull head that is available in a wide assortment of colors. Pinhead really shines in this piece and Jon-Paul picked a perfect base to start. Jon-Paul says that to meticulously insert and glue all of the pins took about the same amount of time as painting the rest of the figure. Time well spent, to create an awesome representation of a cult classic character. As with all of Jon-Paul Kaiser's work, the amazing photographs were taken by Justin Allfree.
Pinhead from Hellraiser by Jon-Paul Kaiser, photo by Justin Allfree
Pinhead from Hellraiser by Jon-Paul Kaiser, photo by Justin Allfree
For everyone and anyone wanting his or her own commissioned piece from Jon-Paul Kaiser, now might be a perfect time to snag a spot on Jon-Paul's commission list. As of this blog post, Jon-Paul Kaiser's commission list is OPEN and for those anxious to snag a spot, get in touch with Jon-Paul Kaiser through his website or by emailing him at JPK [at] jonpaulkaiser [dot] com. No word on how many commissions he will take on, but one this is for sure, those getting on the commission list will not be sorry with whatever JPK ends up creating.
Pinhead from Hellraiser by Jon-Paul Kaiser, photo by Justin Allfree

Pinhead from Hellraiser by Jon-Paul Kaiser, photo by Justin Allfree
Pinhead from Hellraiser by Jon-Paul Kaiser, photo by Justin Allfree
Pinhead from Hellraiser by Jon-Paul Kaiser, photo by Justin Allfree
Again, Jon-Paul Kaiser's commission list is open and waiting. Don't forget to tell him who sent you.
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book