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Court of the Dead

Aug 6, 2014

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Kickstarter - Steamy Chums by Mira Conci

Steamy Chums is a recently launched Kickstarter project, by Mira Conci of the Netherlands, to help fund the production of the Steamy Chums line of designer toys. Steamy Chums is a line of handcrafted and hand painted designer toys. In order to find more efficient ways of producing Steamy Chum figures, while maintaining high quality and standards, funding was needed. Mira Conci hopes the Kickstarter will not only produce funding to improve fabrication techniques and streamline production, but also allow for the development of new characters. The reward levels are priced in Euros and for people outside of the Netherlands, a few more Euros needs to be pledged for shipping. With rewards starting at just 1 Euro, there is a reward level for everyone. So, check out the video and if possible, pledge for a reward to help make this a successful Kickstarter project.

This is no potato salad.
  - Mark-Anthony
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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BB-8 Star Wars Premium Format(TM) Figure
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book