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Court of the Dead

May 4, 2013

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Welcome to Lunartik’s Mini-Tea Tour

An exhibition featuring over 70+ custom works of art based on Matt JOnes’ platform art toys
‘Lunartik in a Cup of Tea’. These artistic interpretations have been brewed to perfection by a fine
selection of World Artists.

Mini-Tea Tour Dates: 2013

Venue 8:
Raygun Comic Store
Opening Party: The 4th May 2013 with Matt JOnes in the house!
Date: 4th May – 30th June 2013
Address: 26 Red Lion Street, Richmond, London, TW9 1RW, United Kingdom.
Raygun Comic Store

Mini-Tea Tour History 2011/2012

Venue 1:
The Mini-Tea Tour debuted on the 6th April 2011, as part of the Pictoplasma character walk in Berlin.
It was a true success and a much loved exhibition.
Venue 2:
The tour continued on its travels around Europe and eventually arrived in the wonderful city of Vienna, where it was proudly displayed in the fashion boutique “Sixxa Store” for the entirety of
May 2011. There was a tea party and artists signing on the opening night.
Venue 3:
The Tour traveled to the UK and was featured in London’s Forbidden Planet Mega Store in August. Where we all had cake!
Venue 4:
Cambridge Art Salon – Cambridge.
Venue 5:
Forbidden Planet Store – Cambridge.
Venue 6:
Fat Buddha Store – Glasgow.
Venue 7:
The SHO Gallery & Shop – Cardiff.

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book