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Court of the Dead

Apr 29, 2013

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PapaBehr Update - "Destroyed PapaBehr" Release!‏

I really dig this one and would love to own it, you guys too?

We're currently in our last week and a bit of our Kickstarter campaign! We've hit our first stretch goal of 35K! This means that our second toy, Destroyed PapaBehr, is now available to backers!  Anyone who has pledged the 'Heroic' mode ($100) and up will receive the Limited Edition Destroyed PapaBehr. We spent the last 3 weeks designing 'Destroyed PapaBehr' and we're excited to produce it along with the original PapaBehr. He's equipped with a detached bionic eye, detachable chest plate (so you can see his inner circuitry), and hand cannon! We're on our way to our second stretch goal of 50K: The Neo-Samurai Armour and Weapon Set!

The link again to our kickstarter is:
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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BB-8 Star Wars Premium Format(TM) Figure
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book