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Court of the Dead

May 2, 2013


Designer Toy Awards Nominations Open


We're happy to announce that from May 1st until May 15th that the Designer Toy Awards, aka the DTAs, will be accepting open nominations in a variety of categories from both professionals and fans alike!
Having learned from the previous two years of the DTAs, we've continued to refine and restructure the nomination, voting, and finalist procedure to help ensure quality winners while still garnering input from the entire community.
First off, we're making the eligibility period for nominees completely year based: if it came out in 2012, then it can be nominated for these 3rd Annual DTAs.
We've also launched the awards with a select list of nominees already entered, but we still need your input. Please nominate anything we missed in any of the categories! And Fan Favorite and Best Collection start with no nominees in them, so it is completely up to you to fill them up!
Speaking of categories, we've continued to refine those as well. Best Toy from a Comic and Best Licensed Product have been merged into one category called Best Media Tie-in, which encompasses any production piece derived from any mass media release — movie, tv show, comic book, novel, whatever. The scope of the Best Self-produced category has been refined and expanded by converting it into Best Resin, which is a nice counterpart to the new Best Vinyl category.
And then there is Toy of the Year, which will no longer have nominees entered directly into it. All the finalists in Toy of the Year will be the highest publicly voted upon nominees within the following categories: Best 1/6th Scale, Best Collaboration, Best Media Tie-In, Best Mini Series, Best Plush, Best Resin, Best Sofubi, Best Vinyl, and Outstanding Production. Basically, if it is a toy and it gets tons of love from the public, then it will be a finalist for Toy of the Year!
So Get Nominating…
Head on over to the Designer Toy Awards website, review the current list of nominees, and please answer our Call For Entries by adding anyone worthy that isn't already included!
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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book