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Court of the Dead

Apr 29, 2013

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Featured Product - April 29, 2013

Junior Hellfire edition by Lou Pimentel & MPH Labs

'Before he was Cranston Fellows Jr., this little devil bat was just known as Junior. Small, egg shaped and lovable, he was born in the underworld and was a prankster from day one. Junior likes to dance, paint, and play practical jokes. His favorite pastime is hiding in small places and jumping out to scare his mom. Yes, he’s living his toddler years to their fullest. He does not make his bed and loves making a mess. He prefers peanut M&M’s and is always looking for new adventures. Speaking of adventure, Junior would love to come home with you to start one together. You bring cookies and a map and he’ll bring the ruckus.'

Designed by Lou Pimentel and produced by mphlabs, this piece stands 2.75" high by 5" wide. It is made of Japanese vinyl and comes poly bagged with a header card. You can pick one up for $34.99 i the Tenacious Toys online store.

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book