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Court of the Dead

Apr 13, 2013

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Latest works from Bash Projects

Latest works from Bash Projects. I personally like the Teas loads. Bash is having some of this Teas in stock and is currently open for commissions on them. Grab them fast!

Grass and Sunshine - Cups of Blueberry Tea

Grass and Sunshine are ready for the summer! They can't wait to feel the warmth of the hot summer sun.

But before they can really enjoy the summer they have to look their best. Grass read in a beauty magazine that the newest thing in town was a blueberry facial. Sunshine though it was a great idea and filled two cups with blueberries.

Now they are both soaking in their cups of blueberries looking beautiful and waiting for the summer to start!

Browny the Burned Brobot

Burned alive by an electric oven.... that's what happened with Browny.

Browny was working late in the toy factory cleaning out the enormous ovens they use to bake the plastic shells for the toy robots. While he was working in the back, the timer switched on and the giant doors closed. He had nowhere to go and felt the oven heating up.

After 20 minutes the oven doors finally opened and Browny crawled out. Burned to the bone and barely alive Browny managed to make it to the robot storage.

There he used his last strength to create the one thing that saved his live... he made a bionic suit of toy robot parts!

Follow Bash Projects here:
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book