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Court of the Dead

Apr 13, 2013

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Latest works from Respect

Really like the works from Respect, here are his latest works...

The first one is actually the very first in a series I had planned out a long while ago. The series is called No Rest For The Wicked (NRFTW), and is nothing but custom fatcaps (a platform that doesn't seem to get much love). This was a gift for the woman who put me on to Fatcaps themselves and gave me some to initially start customizing on. I admit that it took me much too long to finish this piece, I guess I felt I had to get better and learn more before completing it. 

A quick brief on NRFTW, it's your typical "zombie" apocalypse scenario, chemicals released unknowingly into a small town. Spreading this horrible infection and keeping people from an eternal slumber regardless of how decayed / damaged they have become.  The main reason for NRFTW is for it to tie into a dunny series I have planned.

The second custom is based on the game StarCraft, more specifically one of its marine characters. This was done on a post apocalypse cyborg and I have intentions of making other characters from the game as well. I didn't do any sculpting on this piece as it was intended to be a break from sculpting...I know strange break haha. So I started off by sanding down the face of the helmet, removing the oculis ports and front vent, and then goin into finer sand papers until it was smooth as butter. This one found a new home before it was finished, and its well placed with its new owner.

My Email is, for any updates and peeks at other customs just hit me on either my Instagram @Anthonyrespect  or Twitter @Anthonyrespect.

Follow Respect here:

 - Don P
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book