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Court of the Dead

Apr 8, 2013

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Rude Copper from Apologies to Banksy now available!

When the new Rude Copper figures by Apologies to Banksy arrived for review, I'd already had my opinion of them somewhat colored by internet debates over their legitimacy. Apparently, Banksy (from whom the design is derived) is not involved with the company, and some people don't appreciate the tongue-in-cheek manner in which ATB writes off this "theft" with their very name. But honestly, that's all I'm going to mention about that aspect of them. My main interest is as a toy enthusiast and collector, so I pushed such trivial matters aside and got down to admiring these (in)decent pieces of vinyl!

The figures are 4" and 6" tall, and available in several blank colors of rotocast vinyl. They are on the soft side, but they feel very durable. The vinyl does have some inconsistencies, areas where it varies from shiny to dull, but this is a minor issue and would be completely unnoticeable if you painted the figure, I only point it out for folks who wish to display them blank.

The design is great, and the sculpt well-executed. I found myself admiring the details on the helmet especially. It's very crisp in contrast to the smooth lines in the arms and the planes of the jacket. The pupils are even sculpted and every bit of attention brings this former work of graffiti art to life.

And oh yeah, Tenacious Toys has them. Just send an email!

(Photos by TDAWG)

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book