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Court of the Dead

Aug 11, 2016

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ICYMI: Baby Zilla by Haus Of Boz

In case you missed it (and everyone but 1 person did), Loz from Haus of Boz put up Baby Zilla for sale. In the midst of wedding planning, Loz Boz is still creating some cute and colorful customs. Baby Zilla features the recognizable sculpted features that has become typical of a Loz Boz custom. Maybe sometime after all of the wedding planning madness has settled down, Loz will be able to create a larger run of presale pieces to provide more of a chance for collectors to pick up a piece. Until that time, make sure to follow Haus of Boz on social media and stay up to date with her latest and upcoming releases.

From Haus of Boz:
A tiny roar echoes out across the city!  Small dust clouds puff up into the sky, as Baby Zilla wakes up and DEMANDS a lollipop.

Believe me, you gotta give it up right away, you don't wanna be around for this tiny titan's terrible tantrum if she doesn't get her candy fix!

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book