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Court of the Dead

Jan 24, 2013

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Mad Robber Mutation by Nikejerk

Totally missed this one from Nikejerk, awesomeness!

This is my custom 8" Mad Robber Mutation Dunny I've titled The DiAnimator.

"The Mad Robber had expertly infiltrated the KR head quarters found what he had come for and was making his way out when he thought to himself... it was far too quiet. For weeks all he'd heard was how the Dunny vault was impenetrable but just as he thought it was no match for the worlds greatest thief. He was steps away from being home free when the ceiling caved in and all went black. He had no idea what had happened so when he came to, saw a wrecked spaceship and realized he wasn't hurt, he didn't stick around to find out who or what it was. What the robber didn't know was he was already exposed to the J3 and he would soon mutate into something even darker than what he already was. Something more sinister. The Robber would soon be the undead — The DiAnimator." -Nikejerk

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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book