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Court of the Dead

Jan 22, 2013


Kidrobot x Street Fighter 2-Pack

Spotted for pre-order up on urban collector, it looks like Kidrobot is going to be releasing some boss level Street Fighter 2 Packs. No official word on these figures, but it would be a cool addition to the Kidrobot x Street Fighter Mini figure collection. Very little information is out there, but I would imagine the 1P spot is going to be more random than just a single figure.

These 2-Packs are expected to retail for $17.95 and slated to drop in April 2013. I guess we all will have to wait and see for more info about these cool 2 packs.

- Mark-Anthony
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


  1. I really like your blog it’s excellent.

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  2. If these are in fact Kidrobot products, Urban Collector is in violation of one of KR's retailer rules: no preorders allowed before the release date. Penalty for violation of these rules is cancellation of the retailer's wholesale KR account.

  3. oh, I know. It happens a lot with online vendors. I only know of brick and mortar stores that really get any flack for posting too soon.


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