This design is submitted to Squid Kids Ink's "Design-A-Label" contest that runs Jan 1st-31st, 2013. The call was to create a mashup of a fake video game on one of your characters or ideas. The winning entry will be included in series two of the 3.5" mini 10-Doh! blindbox edition.
The "Lose Yourself" design takes up Super Mario Bros. 3 and sets a detour to another world, maybe ours with title "Super Hyper Real 3". The hyperreal is a place where the distinctions between the real and the imaginary blur to point where you are unable to tell the difference.
Patrick Wong comments on his design "I remember playing Super Mario Bros as a kid and looking back now as an adult that nostalgia I feel for the old characters, levels, powerups, all those things - suggest an escape from the regular world. The world where I had to do homework and obey my parents. For me, combining the idea of the Hyperreal with Super Mario Bros. makes a collision of these two "pretend" worlds and in a way brings it back to adults, the people who buy designer toys."
Artist Bio: Patrick Wong is a Canadian-based illustrator and artist who has been awarded by Applied Arts Magazine and the Society of Illustrator Los Angeles. Themes that runs through his work navigate high and low culture, blending ideas from design, art, and philosophy.
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