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Court of the Dead

Dec 30, 2010

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Trains of Fame: Group Show in Paris, January 2011

I've been getting periodic updates from Vincent, creator of the Trains of Fame miniature subway cars, for quite some time now. I have been meaning to give him a nice post on this blog but with the holidays coming up and my main focus being packing orders, my blogging has been spotty at best.

But Vincent sent me this killer video, and I finally have time to give him the proper page space he deserves, so here's all you need to know about Trains of Fame:

The platform itself is a miniature version (52cm long) of the Parisian subway cars (French people call the subway "le metro"). Vincent and his crew pulled together over 100 European graffiti artists, each bombing, in miniature, a full subway car. This concept is both antithetical to, and a natural progression of, the concept of bombing a real subway car, as it is legal and fun and these guys can readily admit to doing these pieces and showing them off...

The Trains of Fame group show will be held January 7 thru 14 at:
Gallery Oberkampf
103 Rue St Maur
Paris, France

Germany: 1up.
UK : Roid
Belgium : Alora ; Amer ; Ansi ; Bond ; End ; Fars ; Hulk ; Noach ; Quatch ; Rush ; Vie ; Xols ; Xray.
Spain: Ceon ; Guan ; Iesk ; Iser ; Nakor ; Ogro ; Rate ; Rioga ; Sayno ; Zarp.
France: Apel ; Argne, ; Astuce ; Babs ; Bdb ; Bears ; Brize ; Brus ; Bugz ; Cezam ; Cinz ; Colorz ; Creez ; Comer ; Darco ; Decap ; Der ; Devil ; Dezer; Dife ; Disney ; Distur ; Dize ; Erase ; Eol ; Earl
; Don ; Dize ; Dixe ; Erer ; Exper ; Eyone ; Fenx ; Form ; Frez ; Ghetto B ; Goze ; Hank ; Home ;
Horfé ; Ioye ; Jacktwo ; Jade ;  Jen ; Jonks ; Jouer ; Junky ; Kade ; Keag ; Klet ; Kofy ; Mag ; Mier ; Nayor ; Neac ; Noe2 ; Noise ; Nose ; Nusko ; Oby ; Oeno ; Osta ; Osey ; Ozone ; Pner ; Pres ; Psy
; Rel ; Rest ; Rover ; San ; Salam ; Sarze ; Sciv ; See ; Sek ; Semi ; Seno ; Sew ; Sheed16 ; Shuck2
; Stock; Skizo ; Sleez ; Sonor ; Sor ; State; Tomek ; Tore ; Trane ; Wazo ; Woody ; Shone ; Yank ; Zenoy.
Italy: Aber ; Beat ; Brus ; Haker ; Jago ; Poison ; Runa ; Trota.
Switzerland: Smash 137.
USA: Utah

Here are a few pieces from the show- see if you can figure out who did each piece:
Here's the flyer from the show:
To learn more about the Trains of Fame platform toy, to follow the project or to get in touch with Vincent and the rest of his crew, go here. Vas-y!
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book