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Court of the Dead

Dec 30, 2010

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New website and forum for toy nerds: Show Me Your Vinyl (SMYV)

Well folks, we have another "home away from home" on the net: Show Me Your Vinyl! Looks promising! I suppose this website is being offered as an alternative to Facebook, as well as the other art toy forums which are specifically affiliated with or run by toy manufacturers and artists. 
Can we all get along? Especially when given a fresh slate to start from? 
Will the same negativity that I see on the other forums transfer over to SMYV, or will this fresh start allow us to throw off the shackles of hating and douchebaggery? Only time will tell.
I've joined SMYV and one good feature I noticed right away is that you can "block" another member if they are bothering you. That sorta nips the hatin' right in the bud, I should think.

Other cool stuff SMYV offers:
• a chat feature
• a place to upload albums of images (of your vinyl toys, people!)
• free classified ads
• polls about toys
• a forum (which just launched, by the way)
• groups for people interested in specific types of toys, specific regions, or whatever
• a listing of upcoming and past events
• a place to upload videos

All in all, there's a lot to see and do, so if you're looking to connect to our community of toy nerds, SMYV is definitely a great way to do it.
Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book