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Court of the Dead

Apr 2, 2018

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New Sphynx Light & Mini's release from Marcos Lorenzo

The Sphynx Maneki Neko Light version and the Mini Sphynx versions, Light and Dark, are the latest limited series from Marcos Lorenzo.

Sphynx Maneki Neko Light version is the same as the original one but in different color skins. Mini versions are scaled versions of the bigger ones but with some little differences: mainly the Maneki Neko has a magnet in its paw that helps it to hold metal stuff like metal bottle caps or so. Another thing is that it’s possible to order any of the Sphynx cats without tattoos.

Sphynx Maneki Neko Light is the same size as the original, a limited series of 30 units, homemade handcrafted resin toys, 150mm 5.9 inches high, painted with acrylics, tattooed with transfer techniques and various attached rivets (plastic / metal) studs and spikes. Mini versions are 100mm 4 inches high and similar characteristics, also limited series of 30.

This sculptures are world wide released and available now at the SomeStrangeThings Store at the price of 150€ and 50€. Deliveries are planned in about two months but there will be some copies available at ToyConUK2018.

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