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Court of the Dead

Dec 14, 2017

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SPHYNX by SomeStrangeThings release

SPHYNX is the best company a punk goth girl can have: always ready to eat stupid souls with it’s big fangs and diabolic tongue; always visible in the dark with its red fire eyes; always free of blood spots and so with it’s metallic matte paint; and of course plenty of accessories like it’s ouiha pointer, perfet to talk with other people. But warning: don’t feed it before midnight.

SPHYNX is a limited series of 30 units, homemade handcrafted resin toys, 150mm 5.9 inches high, painted with acrylics, tattooed with transfer techniques and various attached rivets (plastic / metal) studs and spikes.

This sculpture is world wide released and available from now at the SomeStrangeThings Store at the price of 150€. Deliveries are planned during Spring 2018.

Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book


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Court of the Dead The Chronicle of the Underworld Court of the Dead Book